The Principles of Spiritual Shopping

"The Principles of Spiritual Shopping"
by Lady Gaia and Karen Holmes

The Series

The Getting Out of the Crisis books carry the reader from the bottom of the abyss to the point of walking out of the crisis.

"The Principles of Spiritual Shopping," by Lady Gaia and Karen Holmes, focuses on the first principle of how to overcome any crisis.

Short Description

This is a fun topic. Lady Gaia explains how to find the right objects for your home. She covers how settling only for the 100% allows you to bring Heaven on Earth, and crunches the dimensions to unblock the stuck energy in your life.

Long description

We all live in a continuum of frequency, and by looking around us we can see where we are along the continuum. In this first booklet of the Getting Out of the Crisis booklets, Lady Gaia explains how to surround yourself only with the right objects so that you can create the life you want, which is where you will end up if you were to cross over that day.

Suzeranda is in a storage unit now that is packed floor to ceiling with stuff that has been collected over a lifetime of garage sales—bargains and things where the energy is blocked. If you imagine that energy is a continuum, consider that this place reflects Suzeranda's mind right now. She has been equating ideas related to stuff and about wealth. I am picking these things apart today so you can understand this concept"

Notes about this booklet:

This booklet is also part of the Crisis Series for people who are facing their end of life crisis, which are Pass It On books for people to gift to their family and friends.

Author Bios

Lady Gaia
Karen Holmes (Suzeranda)
Size: 5 1/2"x8 1/2"
Pages: 12

Getting Out of the Crisis Series 1
Item # 11101 US $3.50